POV: you asked your teacher to go to the backrooms instead of the bathroom
Survival Difficulty: Class 4
High Entity Count
Level 3 is an expansive complex of thin brick hallways and electrical machinery. Countless randomly segmented rooms are present across the level in no particular pattern. In addition, pipes line the walls and ceilings of the level. These pipes are filled with contaminated Almond Water, which sometimes leaks onto the floor. Hallways in Level 3 are very enclosed and narrow; some even require Wanderers to bend, hunch, or crawl through them. Although Level 3 shares similarities with Level 2, such as the claustrophobic hallways and the pipes, the level seems to be more well-maintained than the previous, along with having more functioning machinery throughout the level. Rooms containing machinery can be found in many locations in Level 3. This results in loud sounds of machinery being heard in certain areas of the level. Some of these rooms are connected by smaller sets of hallways. Most machinery in the level appears to be used to provide energy to an unknown destination, whilst others seem to sustain the steam pipes found in the level. Exposed wire sometimes comes out through the floors, walls, and ceilings as well. Automated doors can be found throughout in this level, and will slam shut and lock at random intervals. This seems to happen more often if an entity is present.
Survival Difficulty: Class 1
Minimal Entity Count
Level 4 appears to be an empty office building completely devoid of furniture. Certain rooms in this level have windows, but all should be considered traps and avoided at all costs. Because of the lack of beings, many Wanderers naturally congregate on Level 4. Additionally, scattered around the level are water coolers, water fountains, and vending machines containing Almond Water, which makes collection of the substance much easier. Level 4 is considered the best place to meet other Wanderers and gather supplies before moving on to later levels.
Survival Difficulty: Class 2
Low Entity Count
Level 5 is a presumably infinite hotel complex, with many rooms and halls. The level itself seems to have been constructed in the 1930s, with furniture dating back to 1920. There are three main areas in Level 5: The Main Hall, The Beverly Room, and The Boiler Room. The main hub of this area is the Beverly Room, often referred to as "The Eternal Ballroom". The gargantuan room has two doors on the west wall and two doors on the east wall, each leads to a different area of either the hotel or the boiler. It only contains a small Art Deco table in the center, illuminated by a large chandelier. All the entrances are marked with a small copper sign reading, "The Beverly Room", as one might see in a hotel banquet hall. The Boiler Room. The second area, known simply as "The Boiler" is a series of large cobwebbed hallways with high ceilings and stained plaster or concrete walls. This area contains many barred-off areas with large pieces of machinery. The long corridors are hot and dry and the scent of smoke fills the air. Pipes and exhaust valves from the early 20th-century line some walls. Some of the larger rooms have Roaring 20s era furnishings and details. Many have reported the sounds of whispers from the large face-like boilers. There are currently three reported early 20th century elevators within the boiler, and it is advised to avoid them at all costs. Living Statues reside in this part of Level 5, so if you see one while exploring an area of the Boiler, then make sure to get out of there as soon as possible and keep eye contact as you run. Looking away while running can result in being mutilated by one of the statues. A hallway in Level 5. There is a constant buzz of iridescent whenever traversing this level. People have also reported the sounds of faint big band swing jazz music and distant party chatter. This level is infamous for its mysterious whispering and unseen presence. People report something whispering incoherently behind them, or tapping their shoulder when they're alone. That, along with the stares of the face-like wallpaper and 1920s era machinery can cause a major loss of sanity, which is why one will need almond water to survive at this level. Luckily, it can be found from leaks in the ceiling on this level. Those who have gone insane here speak of a mysterious beast known as the "Beast of Level 5," a tall scaly humanoid wearing a suit and tie. It has been described as having a humanoid body with the head of a cephalopod, with tentacles around its mouth. People have claimed it has camouflage abilities, and they say its glowing eyes staring at them from the wallpaper occasionally. It is unknown if this Beast is real or a hallucination, as it doesn't resemble any of the other Entities seen on Level 5, and has only been reported by those with questionable sanity, although reports of it all have very similar descriptions.